Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Little Potager
For the last five years the small garden outside my kitchen window sat mostly empty except for the two desert plants that were growing there when we moved in, a couple of stubborn bulbs that have survived since my  "Secret Garden" phase, a Wistera and  Star Jasmine (both which have refused to bloom), and two pathetic little rosebushes. My dearest friend Sue dubbed my dirt heap "The Graveyard", and how appropriate the name was. Unlike my garden at my old house, where everything I planted grew, this garden is where plants came to die! Every year I dug in amendments, then planted and watered in vain because come July my efforts and investment withered in the Arizona heat. I have to admit, I gave up. Everything changed with the addition of my mother's fountain.

Several years ago mom and I went to my cousin's yard sale. I think I spotted the fountain first, but my mom was always faster with the cash, and before I knew it, the fountain was hers.  She gave it a fresh coat of waterproof paint, Dad bought a new pump and they ran it once, then drained and tarped it to protect it from the elements. I didn't see it again for years! After mom passed my dad showed up at my house one day with the fountain. We moved it into "The Graveyard" where I could see it out my kitchen window. I felt so guilty that its' surroundings were so bleak and decided to try a garden again.

I hit the library and wiped out their garden section. With the rising cost of fuel I was worried about the price of produce at the grocery store and decided that much of the garden would be edible. My first purchase was two apple trees. Then, because I hate pesticides, I knew it was important to incorporate natural repellants like marigold, nasturtium, onion and garlic. Weak plants encourage pests, so I spent most of my limited budget on the holes, adding bag after bag of amendments, and then planting seeds. My snow peas came up first, followed by the radishes. Tomatoes, garlic, peppers, cantaloupe, spinach, asparagus and onions were close behind. For Valentine's Day, I asked my husband for an artichoke plant, and my sister surprised me with cilantro, strawberries, corn and a grapevine. I took advantage of a recent 50% off sale at Home Depot and added parsley, habanero, basil, chocolate mint, more tomatoes and bedding plants. The same weekend my dad decided he wanted a giant rosemary and daffodils taken out of his yard. The rosemary transplanted well, the daffodils, well lets hope they come back next year.

I am very happy with my little kitchen garden. I know it pales in comparison to the gardens you see in books and magazines, but I have enjoyed every minute of planting and caring for it. I had to call Sue, first thing, on the morning the gardenia she gave me started to flower. The wisteria still isn't blooming but my jasmine and roses are full of buds. Thanks to Miracle Grow Shake & Feed, my plants are growing like crazy! My youngest daughter, Monica, was thrilled earlier this week when she could see the peas and corn, peeking over the fence, from the front yard.

My children, their friends, my friends and husband are all a part of this garden. It has already hit 102ยบ this week in Phoenix and I am worried about the coming heat. I plan to cover the whole garden with shade cloth this weekend. I'm hoping, with a little shade and a lot of luck, I will be able to share the fruits of our labor for months to come.

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